

Podcast S3. Ep. 3: How To Get People To Pay Attention To Your Business: Build A Brand

“It took me years to understand what the middle part was and how they bridge that gap from great idea to filthy rich. And it hit me like a ton of bricks when it finally came to me. It was brand.” – Kirsten Screen [00:04:50] There are wildly successful entrepreneurs who all seem to share …

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Podcast S3. Ep2 How to Not (Accidentally) Have Your Business Gutted by Someone Else

“Cease and desist means you can no longer operate like this, not just, hey, let’s rename the thing before we make a bunch of noise. But it’s like at that point you have to shut down the business component” – Kirsten Screen [00:05:57] Here’s a question: Would you find some land, build and furnish an …

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Podcast S3. Ep. 1: 4 Actions You Can Take to Make More Money With Less Effort in 2024

“The first thing that I did when I wanted to change how I was making revenue was not think about how do I reinvent the wheel. It was about how do I restructure my current mode of transportation? How can I use what I already have in a different way?” – Kirsten Screen [00:11:27] Are …

Podcast S3. Ep. 1: 4 Actions You Can Take to Make More Money With Less Effort in 2024 Read More »

S2. Ep. 22: Why Embracing Change Is Essential to Your Business Journey (And How to Do It)

“If where you are doesn’t feel good, move. It’s not nearly as difficult as you think. This is a common thing that I think most people fall victim to. We think it’s too hard. It’s not. And I say that with absolute certainty of experience, of having moved across the pond and to a different …

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Podcast S2. Ep 21. Tell Your Story: Why Self-Publishing a Book is the Next Step of Your Entrepreneurial Journey with Jyotsna Ramachandran

“Everything we produce as entrepreneurs should tie back to how do we leverage that to promote the business that we actually run? Because I always say this to my clients, entrepreneurship without leveraging it into actual ROI is a really nice hobby, but it’s not a business.  ” – Kirsten [00:28:44] As coaches and entrepreneurs, …

Podcast S2. Ep 21. Tell Your Story: Why Self-Publishing a Book is the Next Step of Your Entrepreneurial Journey with Jyotsna Ramachandran Read More »

Podcast S2. Ep 20; Get It In Writing: Why Entrepreneurs Need Legal Protection with Kristin Santamaria and Kelly Bub Smith

“People don’t think about their business long term. They think about their business right now, and they’re sometimes so busy putting out fires that they’re not able to see the longevity of this problem is going to come up or this need is going to arise. And if I don’t put stops in place now, …

Podcast S2. Ep 20; Get It In Writing: Why Entrepreneurs Need Legal Protection with Kristin Santamaria and Kelly Bub Smith Read More »

Podcast S2. Ep. 19: Letting Go of Something Good to Make Room for Something Better

“If something feels draining and something feels like it is sidelining me from where I actually want to put my time, from where I actually want to be creative, from what I actually want to do, it’s not worth my energy because it’s going to backfire.” – Kirsten [00:13:16] There are times to be shouting …

Podcast S2. Ep. 19: Letting Go of Something Good to Make Room for Something Better Read More »

Podcast S2. Ep. 18: Why Joining a Mastermind is the Best Thing You Can Do in Your Business, with Kylee Van Horn

“I think people look at somebody who is successful in their business, and then they go, “I should just replicate what they’re doing. That will make me successful too.” – Kirsten [00:19:20] If you’ve never joined a mastermind, you are missing a big opportunity to grow your business in leaps and bounds. Working with a …

Podcast S2. Ep. 18: Why Joining a Mastermind is the Best Thing You Can Do in Your Business, with Kylee Van Horn Read More »

Podcast S2. Ep. 17: Breaking Out of the Box as a Female CEO with Kristine Schwartz

“I don’t want to push people aside in order to get ahead. I want to create a path where we all rise collectively and support each other and we cheer each other on and nobody’s competition. And together we open doors. It’s a whole different approach. ” – Kirsten [00:11:13] As women, we often are …

Podcast S2. Ep. 17: Breaking Out of the Box as a Female CEO with Kristine Schwartz Read More »

Podcast S2. Ep. 16: Embrace the CEO Mindset: How to Grow Your Confidence and Get Recognition for Your Business with Brandy Mabra

“I think this is so much conditioning, especially for women, that if we put a line in the sand and say, “This is how far you can push me and then it’s a hard no,” we assume that that’s going to come across as bitchy behavior.” – Kirsten [00:12:59] As a CEO, your business is …

Podcast S2. Ep. 16: Embrace the CEO Mindset: How to Grow Your Confidence and Get Recognition for Your Business with Brandy Mabra Read More »