
Podcast S3. If It’s Not This Kind of Team, I Don’t Want It (Plus a BIG announcement)

You also don’t want the essence of what your business is to be lost. You need that person to understand that they just basically need to take you and translate it into whatever it is that they’re doing.” – Kirsten (on hiring a VA)

Today, I have the great honor of introducing you to my right-hand woman: Alex Beesting. Alex keeps me focused, grounded, and always growing in this business, but honestly, I don’t have a ton of advice for how I originally found her. It was just meant to be.

So, this episode is not one about finding your perfect employee… It’s about the joy and ease you can have in your business when you finally do find your person that you just gel with. 

In this episode, Alex tells the story of how she started in urban planning and ended up at Kirsten Screen Inc. We talk about how we knew we were a great pair, our matching business ethos, and how we stay in sync with each other without overworking. 

Plus, stick around until the end of the episode for a big announcement! You won’t want to miss it. Let’s dive in!

What’s in this episode:

  • [01:49] Why Alex transitioned from urban planning into the career she has now
  • [09:33] How Alex and I found each other, in the midst of her business transition
  • [15:04] Why Alex and I work so well together (and a little bit of human design!)
  • [18:16] Alex’s view of “false productivity” and how many small businesses get stuck in this mindset
  • [24:42] My management approach and why it’s so effective for employees like Alex
  • [28:07] The ways Alex and I stay in sync
  • [33:00] Our big announcement!

Resources mentioned:

Grab my new free training here

Find the Six-Figure Business Accelerator here

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