
High-impact support for your high-impact goals

Six Figure Business Accelerator (S.F.B.A.)

*This is a course and does not include any coaching time with Kirsten

Identifying the problem is great. But not when that’s where it stops. This is the WHAT, the WHY, and the HOW. There won’t be any guesswork. 

50+ lessons are loaded up with strategies for mastering your mindset, closing sales organically, captivating your audience, managing your money so it works for you, and a ton more.

This is the 101, 102, and 103 coursework for establishing, running, scaling, and sustaining a six-figure coaching business that can actually give you the time, money, and location freedom you’re after.

The Membership - THE LOOP

The Loop is the live monthly support incubator you plug into while you grow & scale your business.

Knowledge is power – but knowledge without action leaves you chasing your tail.

If you know you want support and crave some accountability while you implement everything you’re learning (so that your business scales into the dream you’ve got on your vision board), join THE LOOP Support Incubator monthly membership.

The Mastermind - THE.EVOLUTION

“It’s already so good – and now I’m ready for an Evolution.” This is higher caliber. This is the next leap.

The most powerful way to master navigating your business doesn’t come from the “how”.

It comes from sitting at the right table. It’s about growing into your full power, connecting your dreams to y our work, and allowing yourself to evolve into who you’ve always been meant to be.

Step into the space that is supportive of all your questions – the big powerful ones, and the “basic” how do I? ones. This space is for growth, for  navigating, for stepping into your full CEO role while honoring your full human role first.

Private Mentorship

The highest level of support, proximity, & potency. 

You’re all in. You’re ready to claim everything. You’re choosing this life, your dreams, “this is my Plan A, B, and C,” you are in this. Let’s go! I cannot wait to see you thrive.
You’re in the right place if you are desiring:
  • A business that allows you to have the freedom of time, money, and choice.  The quality of your life is top priority.
  • To build your business, your 6+ figure income, your way, no compromises.
  • Support to navigate your own mind drama, self sabotage tendencies, and all of the ups and downs that are inevitable in building your empire.
  • To work with aligned clients, make sales feel easy AF, be genuinely excited about your business, and make lots of money while you do it.

If this feels like a full body “yes!”, you should probably apply 😉

Pick My Brain Sessions

Grab time with me to ask your pressing business questions or get some feedback on a client case.


This is for you if you need to plug in with Kirsten for an hour to work through a specific situation. 

You’ll have a 60-minute call, follower by 2 days of Voxer access.