
Live monthly support while you implement & scale your business.

I hope you’re making your way through the Six-Figure Business Accelerator and soaking up all the lessons that make a successful 6-figure+ online business. 

Knowledge is power – but knowledge without action leaves you chasing your tail.

If you know you want support and crave some accountability while you implement everything you’re learning (so that your business scales into the dream you’ve got on your vision board), join THE LOOP Support Incubator monthly membership.

What is THE LOOP?

  1. THE LOOP gives you access to a live monthly zoom group coaching call with Kirsten, where you can ask all the questions that come up for you as you apply the lessons to your business.
  2. You’ll also be added to a monthly Voxer broadcast channel where you’ll be able to submit questions ahead of time and get Kirsten’s coaching responses to the most potent questions in a group Voxer broadcast channel once/month.

Join THE LOOP for only $299/mo, and cancel at any time.


When you join THE LOOP Support Incubator, you’ll get instant access to 3 bonus programs, the Instagram Intensive workbook, and loads of mindset and strategy tips to help you navigate the ups and downs!

Looks like you missed the window for the most recent open enrollment period for THE LOOP. No sweat, just add your name to the waitlist below to be notified when the doors open again!

This is a subscription product billed on a monthly basis until you cancel. Cancel anytime from the account management page.

Here’s what I know you need to succeed and sustain a multi 6-figure or 7-figure empire that has genuine impact on your audience:

  • a recognizable, impactful brand
  • sales skills
  • coaching skills
  • ease of client attraction
  • simplified content creation
  • money management mastery – and cleaning up issues
  • confidence, self-trust, and leadership

And most people get stuck on one or two of these & don't ever work out the big picture.

You can join the loop on its own, but you’ll be so much more successful if you plug into the knowledge base of the
Six Figure Business Accelerator!

The loop is for you if you have a few questions a month to tap into. S.F.B.A. is for all of the knowledge. The combo is for the powerful up-leveling of your whole business! 

Business success is about commitment to your journey, and commitment to growth. That's why this membership exists.

Looks like you missed the window for the most recent open enrollment period for THE LOOP. No sweat, just add your name to the waitlist below to be notified when the doors open again!