
My life changed when I joined a mastermind.

I didn’t think I was ready to be there. I didn’t think I belonged. Like I was an imposter & would be “found out.”

Here’s what I know today, without an ounce of doubt, about stepping into that space: It freed me.

It was in that space that I realized I was so much more capable than I’d ever even dared to consider. It was like the mirror I needed to see myself clearly and realize my impact on those with me in that space, my clients, those who knew me IRL, and even my family. That container transformed me and began the.evolution that set me on my current path.

That year I hit multiple 6 figures in my business – and I 2.5x’d it the next year.

And it was due to one singular thing: the realization that I have power – and I am here to build my empire & legacy. I’ve always know there was more in me and for me. And I decided to go after it.

The things keeping you from doubling your revenue & attracting clients ready for transformation aren’t based in strategy.

They’re down to the patterns of your identity as a leader, the way you are forcing your business into your life, the way you pull back into comfort in the face of success.

The shift happens from leaning into yourself as the person who already is successful, who already leads, who already holds $30K, $50K, $80K months.

And welcoming the conversations that shift patterns and reveal blindspots that are keeping you from moving the boulders that keep you small.


We’re going to peel back the layers and dig into the uncomfortable & vulnerable, because your success isn’t hiding in your daily list of tasks you’re using to keep yourself busy, I promise you that.

You’re ready.

You’re ready to be done living a vanilla life with vanilla dreams. You’re ready for high caliber, powerful moves.  It’s your time to go after that vision that’s so freaking big, it’s scary to hold. That’s where growth happens, and that’s where you need to take yourself.

The most powerful way to master navigating your business doesn’t come from the “how”.

It comes from sitting at the right table. It’s about growing into your full power, connecting your dreams to y our work, and allowing yourself to evolve into who you’ve always been meant to be.

Step into the space that supports all of your journey – the CEO part & the visionary woman part.

This space is for growth, for  navigating, for stepping into your full CEO role while honoring your full human role first.


  • Get in the room to watch how the mentor coaches – live and in many different scenarios.
  • Gain the soft skills on human interaction, leadership, and emotional intelligence.
  • Observe how to hold the energy of a high-caliber container like this.
  • Experience watching a mentor support someone who is having the worst week, while in the next breath allowing space for someone else to celebrate their biggest win – and hold that duality in a space with both of these people.
  • be a fly on the wall while other people recognize their blindspots and work through the emotions & strategies of navigating them
  • listen to powerful women grow through reflection & guidance in voice chats in a Voxer container
  • allow yourself to feel your way into your business so you are activated in your life, instead of just “doing” the things yet remaining detached
  • recognize that all of these powerful women aren’t “better” or have magic gifts. They’re humans, just like you. You are the same

The vibe

Breaking patterns, moving away from false safety in busy work, moving into trust, leadership, personal power

Doing the bigger work. 

💫The alignment of your work to how you are actually wired
💫The lightbulb moments
💫The breakthroughs in clarity
💫The power moves that put you center stage because this is your show

This is where you build your business & life from such an aligned place – always functioning from how you’re meant to at your core, not attempting to hustle to a goal line that was never meant for you.

This is where you evolve into the version of you that already knows it’s for you – and moves accordingly

💫The one that addresses old patterns that are keeping you functioning from what you were told your place was – and will now function from what you know your place is

💫The person who builds a business as a full reflection of herself, getting vulnerable, supported in sisterhood, innovating, & moving forward from internal signals, not external expectations

It gets to feel so light & effortless. Like you’re in the vortex & it just flows. 💫🖤

Here’s just a few examples of what The.Evolution shifts in people. 

Click on any of the images to see the entire gallery.

The details:

The details

💫Weekly zoom mentorship calls with Kirsten guiding the group

💫Daily access to collaborate and connect with the other members of the mastermind in Voxer group chat. Kirsten will guide/respond in Voxer at least once/day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

💫Enrollment in Kirsten’s 10 core programs, bundled into the Six-Figure Business Accelerator (you retain lifetime access).

💫VIP 1:1 access for 12-month members if paid in full

How to join

The.Evolution is a rolling Mastermind (you can join at any time, provided there is space).

Email Kirsten for payment options and let’s get going.

This is the shift that elevates your business journey.

The details:

For all programs and masterminds, if you are paying through a payment plan, you are responsible for completing each payment regardless of whether you leave the program or do not complete it in the time frame provided. There are no refunds.

Copyright Kirsten Screen® 2023. All Rights Reserved.